
Mobile car wash – is it worth it?

Mobile car washes have been advertised for many years as an excellent idea for a profitable business, so it is worth taking a closer look at them. This article is an ideal proposition for all those who want to find out whether it is worth investing their free time and money in running a mobile car wash.

Can you make money with a mobile car wash?

For a mobile car wash to be profitable, you must run your business correctly. The key to success is creating a decent business plan. To achieve success the company’s location also plays a vital role. With a good place, the risk of your company going bankrupt is significantly minimized.

It is also worth mentioning that in this business you earn the least money from washing alone, so it is worth thinking about additional services as soon as possible. This includes vacuuming, washing car upholstery, removing scratches from the bodywork, or comprehensive interior cleaning.

The more items we offer, the easier it will be to find potential customers. For a mobile car wash to make money, you should focus on high quality and the broadest possible range of additional services, which are the best lure for customers.

Seasonality of the industry

People who want to invest in mobile car washes should also remember the “seasonality” in this business. Unfortunately, the weather in Poland leaves much to be desired, so earning money in the colder months will be complicated.

From a practical point of view, a safer solution is first to choose a decent stationary topic and then offer comprehensive mobile car wash services. Thanks to this connection, it will be possible to conduct healthy competition even with the most significant competitors. Unfortunately, drive-in car washes lose many advantages in the winter season, so it is worth considering this.

Steam car washes: pros and cons?

People choosing steam car washing should consider all the pros and cons. For many people, the most significant advantages of steam car washes will be their innovation and relatively low costs of entering the market. The benefits also include the lack of business permits, the ability to provide services virtually anywhere, and the unprecedented exclusivity of the service.

Currently, the market for mobile car wash services is relatively saturated, so you can gradually expand your network of mobile car washes. The weakest points of steam car washes are their poor recognition and considerable difficulties in operation at negative temperatures. Steam car washes offer much higher prices, especially when considering the cheapest options for washing your car in a regular touchless car wash.

Decent advertising is the key to success.

Nowadays, with proper advertising, it is easier to achieve success in virtually any industry, and it is the same in the case of mobile car washes. Many companies organize not only individual presentations but also scheduled shows. It is worth offering new customers the first free service so that they can become convinced of our offer. It is also worth investing in internet marketing, which brings tangible benefits. Of course, we are talking about a decent website and positioning.

Subsidies for mobile car washes

A portable car wash is quite an innovative solution that is extremely environmentally friendly. This is one of the reasons why you can apply for funding. Professional steam cleaners can be set up without spending more money from your pocket—many specialist companies on the market help obtain various business grants.

Thanks to professional help, you can also obtain a beautiful lease or loan. A significant advantage of steam car washes is that you can save time on completing various formalities to obtain a permit to run a new business. Steam car washes can be set up quickly, and you can make money on them immediately.

mobile car wash

Where can you buy steam cleaners?

There are many sellers on the market who offer steam cleaners. Particularly noteworthy are online auctions, where you can find new and used machines. However, it is worth seriously considering why there are so many offers on the Internet, such as “mobile steam car wash for sale.”

As you can easily guess, new machines in good condition returned to the market because their previous owners’ business did not work out.

First of all, it is worth looking for diesel-powered machines, which, as is commonly known, are best suited for mobile car washes. To choose the best mobile car washes on the market, it is worth checking the opinions of former users about individual devices. You can find many professional websites and thematic forums on the Internet, thanks to which you can quickly find out which car washes are worth your attention and which should be avoided.

Comprehensive equipment for a mobile car wash?

People who purchase mobile car washes should focus on collecting all the necessary equipment. First, it is worth choosing a decent car with a body. From a practical point of view, this is the safest investment, but unfortunately also the most expensive.

An elegant and nicely pasted vehicle can also serve as a mobile advertisement, so it is worth considering painting it in your company colors.

A decent car with a body costs approximately PLN 30,000. Every professional steam car wash must also have a special ON-powered washer. Diesel-powered machines have low power consumption, which is why they are perfect for this business. A high-quality ON-powered washer can be purchased for as little as PLN 20,000.

The mobile car wash should also include a reliable electric steam car wash. Of course, we are talking about a particular steam generator that has the functions of a vacuum cleaner. You can perfectly clean your car upholstery with an electric steam washer. A device of this type costs approximately PLN 12,000.

A professional foam vacuum cleaner may also help wash upholstery. It is also worth mentioning that this type of equipment can be used for comprehensive cleaning of carpets and rugs. A good steam vacuum cleaner can be purchased for PLN 9,000. You can never forget a regular dry vacuum cleaner, which is necessary when vacuuming the car.

A professional mobile car wash should also have a good Ozonator in its assortment, thanks to which you can get rid of unpleasant odors in the car. An efficient generator that can power an ON car wash or a vacuum cleaner may also be helpful. Both the ozonator and the generator cost approximately PLN 1,000. Finally, it is worth mentioning professional chemicals, accessories, and advertising materials that will help you promote your services.

Is it calculated?

There is a massive boom in mobile steam car washes in Poland, so more and more companies producing and selling their machines appear on the market. To make money from mobile car washes, you need to focus on reliable devices, a convenient location, and good advertising.

It should be remembered that companies that offer steam car washes only sometimes use fair practices. Unaware people may be misled, and their “mobile business” will only generate losses. People who need help to assemble professional equipment for a mobile car wash on their own should seek professional advice.

How should you choose a steam cleaner?

One of the most critical parameters that should be given special attention is the production of dry steam. Every reputable manufacturer should provide parameters for dry and wet steam in their machines to quickly compare individual devices.

Dry steam is significant because it does not generate sewage outflow. In short, it is thanks to moisture with low humidity that engines, seats, and car mats can be effectively washed. Unfortunately, dry steam production is the most often distorted or deliberately hidden coefficient, so it is worth paying particular attention to.

Car washes that produce dry steam at 36 kg/h are worth recommending. When making wet steam, it is worth choosing equipment with regulation functions. Steam production is the leading indicator of water consumption. The purchase of a steam car wash should be carefully considered because purchasing an inappropriate machine may significantly impact our business. A new mobile steam car wash is an investment for years, so it is worth investing in top-shelf equipment from reputable manufacturers.


According to many experts, mobile steam cleaners are the future of the cleaning industry, but this does not mean that it is a simple and pleasant business. A mobile car wash is a relatively cheap and, most importantly, ecological solution. Still, it would help if you devoted some of your precious time to choosing the right equipment and seriously planning your business plan.

When purchasing a mobile car wash, you should pay particular attention to fuel consumption and operating pressure, efficiency, weight, operating noise, and the possibility of using many different detergents. Few people also realize that they should pay attention to the security mechanisms. The problem is the scale and the chance of freezing in the colder months.

Mobile car washes should also be characterized by simple, intuitive operation and professional technical support. Before starting your business, it is worth carefully calculating the costs of using a given machine, making it much easier to choose a mobile car wash from which you can earn money.


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