
Marketing Industry: Leading Trends Of Marketing Industry In 2022

Marketing Industry: consumer-brand relationships will escalate in the coming year – but only on the condition that companies manage responsibly with the data they accumulate on their customers and consider the environmental and social aspects • According to a global survey conducted by Deloitte for the coming year.

If 2021 was when the focus was on dealing with the severe crisis led by the Corona epidemic – for some companies even in the sign of survival – 2022 could be marked by a recovery trend. A change in the relationship between consumers and brands will go further thanks to Will being held accountable to them and the environment.

Deloitte conducted a survey among about 560 marketing industry managers and about 11,500 consumers worldwide and formulated seven marketing industry trends that will stand out in the coming year. “These are trends that complement each other, even if they are not new,” explains Itai Boneh, senior strategy director at Deloitte Digital, who notes that they are also relevant.


  1. Goals With Values

Beyond making a profit, one organizational designation should be to recalculate a trajectory in various areas, including branding. The goal can focus on environmental and social issues, for example, in areas such as sustainability, diversity, social equality, and inclusion. Setting a plan will help differentiate the brand and tailor the messages to the target audience. The goal organizations need to communicate not only to their customers but also to employees in the internal organizational arena.

Marketing Industry

Promises without covering or marking a goal without charting its path may be at the brand’s heart. Consumers expect anyone who has set a goal to meet it. Meanwhile, the survey floods branded consumers’ expectations to bring environmental value. A third of the respondents in the survey, who are aged 25 and under, consider the issue of sustainability as the most decisive value in choosing brands from the field of grooming. Beaver notes that the importance of sustainability among older consumers has already climbed to the second or third consideration in choosing a brand.

Such a goal was heard at the recent Globes Business Conference when Strauss CEO Eyal Dror revealed that by 2030 all the electricity Strauss will consume will be from renewable energies. In addition, by 2025, all of the company’s product packaging will be recyclable (currently 85% of packaging).

Boneh notes that the goal also applies to the corporate profit model: “Consumers expect dividends not to go only to shareholders. This is not about donations or philanthropy but the distribution of profits with them. For consumers through credit


1: Inclusive Marketing

Companies will need to manage their marketing to address all groups in the population, in a range of age, gender, sexual orientation, disabilities, and more. Consumers know that companies build a model or profile for their target consumers. Still, the expectation is that their messages will include all sections of the population while maintaining authenticity. The survey also shows that 57% of consumers expressed higher loyalty to brands that are committed to acting against inequality (in manpower, in choosing suppliers, and so on)

Boneh provides an example from the US: Visa has partnered with a start-up that offers dedicated credit cards to the LGBT community. On the other hand, the bride is saying by a large and traditional society, connecting to a young organization. In this way, a seemingly safe distance is maintained, even if there is opposition from conservative communities. ”

Meanwhile, the Marketing Association recently awarded a prize in the diversity competition held for the first time, emphasizing advertising messages addressed to “All Tribes” (inspired by former President Robbie Rivlin). T


2: Proper Use Of Data

The third trend refers to the world of information, an essential basis for marketing industry managers to build an innovative and creative engine that relies on data and extensive data analysis. In the survey, marketing executives note that companies, large and small, old and new, are now looking for more staff who specialize in data analysis (analysts), who are integrated into marketing industry teams and content people.

Builder provides as an example Spotify, which at the end of each year submits a year-long summary campaign to its consumers. “It’s creative and colorful, and based on the data users have accumulated throughout the year – combined with its macro data.”


3: Cookies Without Intermediaries

An issue that needs attention from companies in the interface with customers in the “cookie-free” worlds – that is, without the duplicate files that various sites ask surfers to confirm their existence, allows companies to track and store information about the surfer. This, for example, through saving his preferences, adjusting content, saving passwords, and identifying in a future login and the like.

While consumers are comfortable being identified on specific sites to get value propositions tailored to them. For example, they will still want to maintain their privacy and prevent information leaks. Therefore, more and more companies are moving to using first-party cookies rather than using information stored by third-party companies.

According to Boneh, “the move to cookies on the first side gets a boost due to regulation, but beyond that, an opportunity opens up for consumers and companies to re-sign a contract that was a bit broken, and ‘meet’ without intermediaries.”


4: Human Data Experience

The issue of privacy retention also remains in the trend defined as designing a human data experience. With the shift to the use of first-party cookies, companies must foster consumer confidence in maintaining their privacy and consumption habits to make consumers feel more comfortable sharing information and benefit from it.

The survey shows that 68% of consumers are happy to receive a direct update on the start of sales and promotions. In this regard, Boneh says that “on the one hand the majority want to receive an update on a deal that suits them, and on the other hand the majority will oppose the use of their location (geo-targeting) even if they receive tailored value propositions.

“Consumers are also not ready for companies to listen to their discourse on social networks, to learn more about them. There is a lot of psychology here and a generation gap. It could be that what is considered taboo today, after a generation, will be normative.”


5: The Hybrid Experience

Corona has accelerated online shopping, which has grown in volume, turnover, and number of buyers. Now, marketing executives need to create a synergy between the online and offline worlds and produce a hybrid experience. They must meet consumers at the interface points relevant to them – whether on social networks or in interpersonal interaction, which is retained as an option even when the consumer chooses to receive service by digital means.

The epidemic has promoted digital in various arenas in the retail arena and in the medical services we have learned to consume remotely – which is effective in cumbersome queue management – or in learning in various formats.



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