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  1. Content Quality: Your submission must be 100% original, informative and up-to-date for 2024. Our readers appreciate well-researched content that adds real value.
  2. Human-Written: Content created by human authors will only be considered; automated or spun pieces will not.
  3. Grammarly Score: Our aim is excellence in language and presentation at Grammarly. Content must achieve at least 99.99 grammar, spelling and punctuation scores for maximum impactful writing to guarantee perfect language quality and presentation.
  4. Content Restrictions: Posts related to adult content, casinos, gambling, or other sensitive niches are strictly forbidden here. We ensure a family-friendly atmosphere and prioritize posts suitable for all audiences.
  5. Image Requirements: Include two to five high-quality images measuring 1200×628 pixels each that complement and enhance the reader’s understanding or engagement of your topic. Images must relate directly to content while simultaneously adding value for the reader.
  6. External Links: Your post may include only one external link that adds value and relevance, as we reserve the right to remove any inappropriate or irrelevant ones.

Formatting: Focus on formatting details such as headings, subheadings and paragraph length when creating more accessible content for readers and improving the overall user experience. Well-structured articles make for better reading experiences that result in enhanced user satisfaction.

Submission Process

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